International Events

International Events

Internationla Evensts

Section on the International Events that will take place during the project, where, in addition to information regarding their title, date and place, the Agenda of the event can be downloaded.
Event #1 International event for the presentation of the project and kickoff meeting (“Common social values and ethnographic, cultural and historical traditions around tilling and harvesting the land in Europe”) (Vedra – Spain, March 2023).
Event #2 International event about European best practices and cultural and wine-growing experiences in territories of traditional agricultural landscape (Croatia, June 2023).
Event #3 International event about present continental trends of innovation in cultural and winemaking experiences in territories of traditional agricultural landscape (Portugal, September 2023).
Event #4 International event about co-creation, collective intelligence and new opportunities of sustainable tourism for the promotion and valorisation of European vine landscapes (Slovenia, November 2023).
Event#5 International event about innovative technologies for the management of cultural tourism in dispersed sites (Bulgaria, February 2024).
Event #6 International event about winegrowing cultural tourism management for ecological transition (Italy, June 2024).
Event #7 International forum for the participatory governance of traditional agriculture landscape (Vedra – Spain, November 2024).